Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Spirits Within

I’ve always been incredibly interested in Mythology, and various other aspects of different Faiths. Now, before you decide to not read this log here me out. This isn’t going to be standing on a box preaching about a religion or any particular views I have on it, but it’s close. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the Native American believe in Animal Totems. I am sure that everyone here knows what an animal totem is. The best way I can describe an animal totem is the large single poles of wood that have several different animals sculpted into them. You see them typically on movies, that might have a campground or a woodsy kind of scene to it. As of late, there have been several ideas running through my head and one of those involves writing about an animal from his point of view. As a writer, I’m always looking forward to a challenge, and that can be from choosing to do another type of genre? All the way to different view points of characters. Trying to write perhaps, from the bad guys point of view or something that I don’t typically do. This character has made his presence known several other times before this particular idea has come back to me. He had his own short story (Maybe fix to six pages) a year ago and gradually I’ve worked on it here and there. But as of late, he has come on strong again and seems to be watching me from a distance, like an animal of this kind is known for. But, with this I always think back to what I’ve been told about animal totems and the Native Americans beliefs on animal spirits and how they can play a normal occurrence in your daily life.

Again, I am not going to be getting on any kind of soap boxes here about Faith, Religion, etc. that is a whole different bag of discussions and topics that I find better to NOT talk about. But several years ago, on a way back from a field trip I was having a discussion with a friend of mine that is a Native American and we where discussing animals. I asked her what her favorite animals where and she in turn, she asked me. Which at the time, was a hawk and the Velcioraptors from Jurassic Park. She proceeded to ask me if I’d ever given any kind of thought into maybe that these particular animals I didn’t choose to be my favorites what if they chose me. I quirked a brow at her, and continued to press forward by asking the all questioning of questions Why? There belief is that when a person is born, the particular person does not always choose there favorite animals. There thought process and belief is that the animal chooses them. She says there are always different aspects of why the animals pick particular people, but a lot of it will have to do with there attitudes, moral standing, work ethics etc. Now, let’s flash forward to today and the topic at hand with this character that seems to be following me around. I’ve always felt very drawn to the Red-Tailed Hawk, and I’ve always felt very drawn towards that of the Wolf. But it wasn’t until several years ago I had a firm attachment grow TO the Wolf. I’m in absolute awe by this creature, and the beauty that they carry with them. Sure, they are a predator at heart, but the intelligence, and the society they setup within there packs, the way they hunt. The animal is very intelligent.

I have noticed that during times of trial and tribulations in life, I find that pictures of wolves will pop up before me, or in movies, songs, videos all of the above. That’s part of the belief is that the animals will appear to you when you are in need or you need guidance from them. There have been instances where people can meditate and embrace these particular spirits and have discussions with them. From what I’ve read online during the research is that it happens more like a vision, or a dream. Now, with this said and continuing on the subject as of late I had several trials and tribulations going on in my personal life. When again, I saw the wolf appear to be on several different occasions. During this particular time in my life, I started seeing my familiar character again that I’d written on a year ago. He seemed to be wanting attention, he had something to say, and was very loud in my mind. What would you say? Is it more than coincidence that I started seeing him again? Or is it because the muse wanted me to. I think that it Is definitely very interesting to keep a kind of perspective open on all things in the world. Reading the article on this particular webpage I found it to be very interesting and fascinating. What kind of animal are you drawn to? I would look forward to everyone’s responses, comments, at the bottom.

Website about animal totems:

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