Monday, December 29, 2014

Party Poppers & New Directions

     As soon as I had posted on my Facebook this morning in regards to asking people what they’d hoped for in the upcoming year, or what they wanted to accomplish in 2015 it got my own mind going. I’m striving towards more in 2015, I’m wanting to reach out more to those who read my books and I’m wanting to be more active with my creativity. 2014 was a hard year for me to get a lot of things accomplished on the sidelines in regards to projects, marketing the books, or meeting other writer’s mainly due to time constraints. Not to say at all though that 2014 wasn’t successful. I was incredibly blessed with the reception that ‘In With The Pack’ got back when I released it in August. I met a lot of other great people along the way and made some very close friends in the process which in itself is an automatic success. But, maybe what I’m trying to get at is I want to branch out a little more with myself. Try to dedicate more time to my projects and make them just as successful as I did with Malakai and his pack. I’ve already got another project going that will probably not be released until 2016, but that is ok. It has been slow going and even though I’m trying to put out a new book every year, it’s added a lot of stress to me as well as trying to find the time to keep up with everything else in my life. Hell, I’m an independent and self-published author I am really my own boss that decides on the when’s and where’s of things. But, in the same instance writing is something that I just can’t turn off and walk away from and decide to be done with it for a while or even take a break from.
     Just like one of those internet meme’s that I saw online the other day, ‘Writers can’t take vacations from writing because even on those vacations you are still writing’. It’s the absolute truth of the matter. But in the same instance, it’s just not that. I love to tell stories; I love to give something to someone who says ‘Wow, this was great! When’s the next one happening?’. I’m not meaning to toot my own horn here but if I can entertain someone other than myself when it comes to writing stories then I have succeeded as a writer. But at the same time, I’ve been mulling over ideas of things that I’d like to do in 2015 as well as my writing:

Meeting other local talent- For those who have met me in person, or know where I live. The Lewiston-Clarkston Valley is an extremely small community. With both populations of Lewiston and Clarkston we probably top out at close to around forty-thousand populous. So, when it comes to meeting other local writer’s or talents I am always excited to meet them. I think as writers, artists, photographers, etc. It’s important for us to stick together especially in small towns. But it’s also fun to plan events were you can have more than one person available for signings. It helps with exposure as well for them! One of the things I’d like to do in 2015 is organize more events or even some kind of a writer’s guild locally here in the valley for all of us to come together. Non-judgmental and the first meeting don’t even have to be about reviewing anything. It’s fun just to get together and talk and learn about the other various types of talent that we have here locally. Maybe even organize some events for us all to participate.

Photography- Though this is done away from both pad and paper I’ve always enjoyed photography. At the beginning of the month I shared some pictures on my Facebook with that of an old flour mill that is located just outside the city park in Asotin. When I got them home and photo shopped them a bit and posted them the response I got was very humbling. So, I was thinking of maybe also doing some kind of photography class or just doing freelance and working on what I already know to take some pictures here locally around the valley and beyond. Where I live there are lots of woods, rivers, canyons, and even some ghost towns for pictures to be taken in. That is also something else I’d like to do both with snowy weather, and sunny weather. Photos capture so much, and even with landscapes that stay vivid in your head it could lead to potential story settings. Really, it’s a win-win situation for me.

Video Productions- Though I know very little about this particular field, I had the opportunity in both 2013 and 2014 to help with video productions of a few budding directors. While the opportunities have been smaller and not as abundant as they had been, this is something that I’d still like to help in. It’s exciting to see people’s ideas jump from the paper to flesh and blood characters. How excited the entire production team is to making this the best product that they can regardless if it is a serious movie or if it’s a humorous movie. The expectations and standards that these independent film artists hold themselves to are phenomenal. It’s almost as intense as writing a book. A little more stress added when you are dealing with the actors/actresses. Where in the process of writing a story you can tell them exactly what you want them to do and you won’t get any fuss about it. With actors/actresses you may get a degree of defiance whether it’s something they don’t agree with on their character or time constraints. Either way, I enjoyed being a part of the production value and helping them realize their own dreams.
     I’d also considered doing more video blogs in the upcoming months of 2015. From what I understand blogs are kind of going on the wayside of things and that VLOGS are the most popular route to go when you are trying to reach out to subscribers. Maybe it’d be a way as well to show off the pictures that I plan on taking. Making a mini-slideshow or something with them. Something to toy around with I guess. I really never learned on how to use the video editors because by the time I graduated *cough* 2002 *cough* things like Microsoft PowerPoint, Windows Movie Maker, Excel etc. were all beginning to come into popularity with not only business professionals but also teachers. I guess my question is do people even use cardboard to make presentations anymore? Or, has it gone to this new digital format? But I digress. So, those are just some things I’d like to concentrate in the upcoming year that I’d like to branch out into. Will it happen? If I can put my head to it and get things situated anything is possible. My own indecisiveness will be my only enemy. 
     What do you plan on doing for 2015? Feel free to share with the others at the bottom of this blog, or you can leave a comment on my Facebook page!