Monday, March 12, 2018

An Update On Times

     So, a couple of days ago I promised an update of what has been happening in the Michael’s household. I know that my appearances have gotten less since about the middle half of November and all the way up to the present time. To be hones t with you, things have been incredibly busy around the Michaels’ household and the burn out is running rapid. Before you panic too much after seeing that word, “burn out” I would like to explain to you a few things going forward. It’s not that I haven’t been writing, but it’s the fact that I’ve gotten too many irons in the fire and I’m having a hard time balancing them and trying to get the projects done that have become the issue. 


    About a year ago (this month), I started collaborating with a now good friend of mine, his name is P.K. Woods. While he hasn’t been officially published yet (either through a publishing house or self-publish) I’ve been helping him a lot behind the scenes with his new novel, including up to writing out sections for him and I’ve recently taken on this fantasy world with a full embrace as he now wants me to help him finish writing the story. I’m blessed. PK has been truly a wonderful writer to work with, and his passionate is on the same level of mine when it comes to writing out a good story, one that’ll keep the reader engaged and hooked wanting to go to that next chapter and then the next, and then the next. His genuine interest in creating a character that is almost fleshy enough to jump off the page at you. Characters, that you can either feel pity for, or you can get real pissed off at. The world we’ve began to build started off very small, and started on an island. Currently we are expanding northwards into a continent that has just as much curious and wonder to it as the island did when we first started writing this story. However, the characters are a bit…’different’. That’s all that PK has wanted me to say at this point and the fact we agreed on it I’ll stay true to our agreement. What I can say, is that PK has helped me break away from the normal realm that I had been writing which is modern/realistic fiction. I’ve began to brainstorm some of my own ideas in the realms that we’ve created and I’ve taken lots of notes on.
     While the story itself is in the last t throws of “T’s” journey, there will still be a lot of work to be done after that when it comes to edits, book covers, copyrights, etc. So this is one of the irons I’ve got in the fire, is helping another writer brainstorm and world create which has cut into my creativity somewhat, but not completely? If that makes sense.

Charities & Non-Profits 

     Something else that I got heavily involved with, is looking at the prospects of Charities and Non-Profits. An outlet to give back to my community while doing something fun and making memories while I was at it. A friend of mine who is heavily involved with the Ghostbusters fandom invited me to join a local franchise that he had created and opened. What I didn’t know about this, is that it goes far beyond the Ghostbusters fandom and franchise itself. There are literally hundreds of franchises all over the world that are opened with the same kind of mission on their mind. All of the franchises, while they don’t bust ghosts per-say work with other non-profit organizations and help them raise money for charities such as: Relay for Life, Toys For Tots, and other types of charity events where they will show up dressed in the flight suit, and the other props that the Ghostbusters have. My friend helped me build, a ghost trap, ecto goggles, and proton pack to wear for these kinds of events after I agreed to join his franchise. The lovely missus and I will tell you; straight up, that we are nerds. Not only has it given me a break from writing and pursuing other creative outlets but it has given the wife and I much time in the shop working on the props that I feel it’s helped our marriage greatly. This hobby has also tied up a little bit of time dealing with the props, and getting everything made but it has been an incredible learning opportunity along the way. I found that I really enjoy wood working, and looked forward to getting out to the shop as much and as often I could. 

      When we were building the props. Now, we are waiting for the comic-con season to kick off so we can debut at Lilac-City comic-con come June. If you would like information on when that’s happening please don’t hesitate to ask I would be more than happy to give you the dates if you would like to meet us up there.

Mentor ship & Creative Writing 

     Just as I have made mention of helping PK get his story and book off the ground, I’ve also fanned out to quite a few others and have been helping them with their writings. While it’s not necessarily my own idea, I’ve been in the realms of helping others for a very, very long time. I love hearing back stories of other people’s characters. Origins are always fascinating to me, almost more fascinating than the present characters because that is how they are. But what makes them tick? How did they get that way? What drove them to this particular personality and attitude? I don’t think that I could ever escape writing and just say “Nope! Not doing it anymore”. It has become such a passion and escape for me I honestly think that the depression I already suffer from would become worse than it already is. Part of the reason why I chose to help PK with his new book, ‘Scars’ is because of him bouncing ideas off of me, and reading other stories by friends that are writing in the same realm. A good friend of mine, Lupe let me read a rough draft of an idea that he started almost a year ago and I fell in love with his concept, time era, weapons, etc. that I was relentless in asking questions about his particular idea. It sparked a curiosity for me, as well as getting to know his characters. About a month later; Myself, PK, and Lupe all sat down and talked about these characters. While it was a typical writer’s bullshitting session we talked a lot about character growth and development. I love helping other writer’s and hearing the lightbulb click once an idea comes together for a setting, for a plot, or for a character. Sometimes, the characters are just inclined to tell you a little bit about them. A name, or perhaps it’s what they look like but not a whole lot more.
     Sometimes thinking out loud and talking with others helps their voice get a little louder or excited about a detail that they heard. Even if it’s not my own stories I feel a great gratification in knowing that I helped someone with theirs.

Projects and Ideas On Hold 

     After I had finished OceanView, I had looked forward to starting another book series. While I had loved writing OceanView, during the editing phase and all of the corrections that had to be made to it I was incredibly burnt out on the series and needed a break from it. I know that there have been questions in regards to a relationship that was beginning to blossom in the last few chapters of the book and if I’ll ever go back and revisit it. Eventually, yes I would love to return to OceanView and pick up a few more stories going in there that had just began to talk off. But, for the foreseeable future I don’t see myself returning to OceanView just yet. The other story series that I was looking forward to and getting off the ground was that of ‘Through the eyes of a marshal’. This series was going to be dealing with the US Marshals, and for those who know Tal had recently joined them. He was going to be simply a supporting character in this new story series, and there was going to be an introduction of new characters. The possibility of one of these characters being his son was in the realms, but never fully developed. Much like OceanView, this book series was going to be presented in a series of short stories within the main novel itself. I had finished one complete novel dealing with a story that Tal was involved with. It’s done, and ready for editing but since I’ve been working with PK on this new idea and fanning some of my own flames in this new world. The Marshals series has also been put on hold for the time being until I can get to a point of which I can return back to my modern/realistic writing.

New Worlds & Concepts 

     The last year has been a bit of a different concept for me. While I’ve enjoyed my time writing realistic/modern fiction the new concepts that PK was introduced me to has gotten me excited. When I write, I create worlds. I have a hard time creating just individual stories or concepts of people. I like to know about their worlds that they live and exist in. Along this journey I’ve ventured into the realm of fantasy and honestly it’s got my full attention. The worlds’ are so much easier to build because you are not constrained to the normal, everyday mechanics that we know. The ability to create, geography, topography, different times of characters with strengths and weaknesses and then exploring those have gotten me very excited again and in front of a computer screen a lot more typing away. Recently, another good friend has joined the group, whom we will call Kiotske since I’m not sure if he wants me using his real name. I’ve got now two friends whom to bounce ideas off of, and ask for advice on wanting to take characters in a certain direction and if it seems plausible to do so. I haven’t forgotten my roots with my other stories or my real world concepts. This has made me excited again, and I’m not feeling the burn out that I had once been experiencing with OceanView, and ‘Through the eyes of a marshal.’ I knew that after I had finished the book ‘Whispers in the hallway’ I wanted to explore something else. I began looking for something a little more exciting than every day life. Looking for something to break away from the chaos that the world is so inflamed in today.
     Maybe it was a little bit of influence of the comic tv shows, movies, and other content? Maybe it’s because I felt the inclination to open my mind up a little bit more and continues to chase genres that interested me in writing as well. I look forward to everyone reading scars and the concepts that we came up with in that particular book.

In Conclusion

     So, this has been a rundown of what has been happening in the Michaels’ household. There is a lot happening, but it’s all for the positive. Again, I apologize for not being able to post as much or as often as I would like on Facebook and I thought I owed it to you to write just a quick and brief summary (If that’s what you would like to call it anyways) of what has been happening. At the current time, I have no plans to release any books for 2018, but I do look forward to continuing to mentor other writers and work with collaborations with them. Even if it’s not my own idea that I’m writing down, I like to help them out with their own ideas. I’ve also got a few writers that I’m going to help get published hopefully this next year so they can pursue that. So, I guess you could call it a mini-break even though it’s not really a mini-break? I’m just working a lot more behind the scenes and helping other writers and talents pursue their own dreams and helping them to be just as successful. Again thank you to everyone who has been patient with me, for delayed responses, no communication, and everything in between. 2017 was incredibly busy and 2018 doesn’t show any kind of sign of slowing down if not being busier.