Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Calendar Scratches

     Honestly, it only seemed like yesterday that I’d gotten the edits back for ‘Whispers In The Hallway’ that Spring was right around the corner and I had plenty of time to concentrate on getting these edits done. Then, you blink and we are already halfway through the summer and a little more than halfway through the year of 2015. Where has this time gone? So far, 2015 has not been the nicest of years to have dealt with as we’ve had a lot of term oil here and dealing with unwanted guests in our household. Most of my stuff is in my office, which has been quarantined for well over a month now because of these guests. The mood has been pretty low in the household as we feel as if we are prisoners in our own household. However, I’m hoping that as of Monday of this week things will begin to change. I don’t mean to start off with such a negative introduction to a blog but rather just some thoughts that have head me leading up to next years’ time line and schedule. I’d already prepped another book for editing, as well as having sent off the information for the copyright office so it could be copyrighted and my editor would be set to receive it. However, as I began to do the edits for this book, ‘Whispers In The Hallway’ I began to realize something. I am beginning to get burnt out on writing!
     For me, this is a horrible thing because for so long I’d used writing as an advantage to escape the real world, talk with my characters, and just get away from the stress of the day. But, as I’ve tried to put out a book every year I’m finding myself feeling rushed, I’m finding myself stressed about the overall content of the book, and it has begun to cut into the personal time that I have with my family. As a writer, I don’t want any of those things. I want to deliver to the readers an awesome story, I want them to enjoy the characters that I’ve introduced them to, and I don’t want something to me feeling like it’s only half cooked coming out of the creative oven. At some points it has been hard for me to work on ‘Whispers In The Hallway’ just because I’m beginning to feel completely burned out on the entire process that this takes. I feel that I could use this to my advantage, as since I’m an individual self-published writer I don’t really have to abide by any schedules or having to put out a book a year, or continuing on with a series. I am looking forward to releasing ‘Whispers In The Hallway’ over the last half of October. I really want to release it on Halloween, or maybe the day before. I’ve got another contest in mind, and am real excited about getting to meet everyone again at the signings much like I’d met everyone at the events I’ve already done this year.
     So, what are you saying Grayson? That you are going to be hanging up the towel after you release ‘Whispers In The Hallway’? Absolutely not. I’m not going to ever quit writing. It is a passion and truly a gift from above that I found early in my life. What I am thinking, and I’m sure other writers’ out there would agree with me on is that I am thinking I need to take a break. I need to make sure everything goes smoothly with ‘Whispers In The Hallway’ for its release and the contest that I have in mind for it. Take time off during the holidays to spend it with family and friends and then start sharp again after the New Year. But, for 2016 I do not plan releasing any book. Like I said, I have one US Marshals story that I’ve got finished and ready to go. I realized that there are other ideas and other genres I’d like to concentrate on first. While the marshals deserve to have their story told, and that yes IT WILL be eventually released right now, I want to introduce some other characters that have been talking to me for some time. Again, this is the reason why I like to think of myself as a multi-genre writer. I’ve been building on so many worlds, for so many years that I’ve got lots of characters that want to come through and have their stories told. A lot of the characters you’ve probably noticed do a lot of cross world appearances. Either in cameos, or they will show up for a short section in the story and leave again just as quickly. To me, it’s more fun to see characters you already know interacting with the new ones that have come to the table.
     2016 I would like to take the year off and kind of regroup my thoughts, and get in touch again with my characters. I wouldn’t have to worry about edits, I wouldn’t have to worry about meeting deadlines for book releases, and above all I would have time to do some real quality writing. Deliver a product that is well worth the wait! I’ve been asked several times about the return of Malakai and his pack and whether or not he’ll have another book. At this current time, I’ve had some new characters come through on that front and we’ve talked briefly. If I could paint a picture for you what the muse has brought to the table you’d laugh I bet. Imagine a conference room with a large oval table, the nice leather chairs all around it and not one of those chairs are empty. All of them have a particular character yelling or wanting something addressed. Then add a few more characters that didn’t come quick enough to the meeting to get a chair and now are standing at the back of the room screaming their heads off because they want attention. I think that 2016 will be an excellent year to regroup and relax. My other hope for 2016 is getting together with fellow writers in the LC-Valley. I’ve had discussions with a few local talents and their seems to be quite a few shows that will be happening next year. I plan on making as many events as I can as well as helping promote my fellow writers around me.
     The other thing that I know I’ve talked a little bit about this last year as well as my wife getting ready to put her book out. I’m very excited that Emma has been working very hard on getting her stuff ready to be sent off to be printed and into a book. She has been there every step of the way for me when it has come to publishing, marketing, and making sure everything looks great. I would like to return the favor for her as well during 2016 to help her get her book off the ground and to make sure that everything gets situated as it should be. There are certainly not enough days in the year to make everything happen as you would like it to and that is why I’ve reached this decision to do this. Maybe during this off time, I’ll use it to explore other things as well (photography, podcasting, and collaborating with other writers, musicians, etc.). The future is very bright. I would like to send out another special thank you to those who have supported Emma and I through this entire endeavor. There are a lot of people who have backed us all the way through it and I couldn’t be more thankful. Too many to list but you know who you are and I continue to thank you for your support and help through it. Being a self-published writer is definitely not the easiest endeavor that I’ve taken on, but in the end it is definitely the most worthwhile thing I’ve done other than the career I am in.
     Please continue to watch my Facebook as I will continue to updates for not only the release information for ‘Whispers In The Hallway’ but I will also be posting other information on there about new and upcoming projects. I don’t really use Twitter anymore. My website has also been updated so please look there as well for updates on events. Thank you everyone and I hope you have a wonderful summer.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Returning to Isla Nublar

     Hearing the beginning horns of the Jurassic Park theme as the universal logo slowly twisted out brought goosebumps to my skin. I was reliving one of my favorite movie franchises of all times. There has been quite a bit of hype for Jurassic World, and while it correlates with the Jurassic Park verse and is not a remake or reboot the story stays very genuine even with the return to the island of the five deaths. While I’m writing this review I am going to try and keep it as spoiler-less as possible though it may pop up from time to time. As the movie starts, there really isn’t any kind of backstory the return to Isla Nublar, or why InGen had decided to keep it at the island location where as in the The Lost World movie (Definitely not the book) they decided to try and build the park in San Diego. None the less, the back story really isn’t needed for movie but it would have been nice, perhaps just a bit knit picky on this point. I was curious to into what characters were going to be returning to the Jurassic franchise after seeing in the credits that read ‘based on characters created by Michael Crichton’. However, the only returning character to this franchise was that of Dr. Henry Wu. Which, I guess I find kind of ironic because if anyone had read the books we all know the fate of Dr. Wu. Again, I am trying to keep as many spoiler-less points for this review but still give an honest one at that. The one thing I thought was very fun about the entire movie was the constant reference to the original film. Some of the shots of the movie the same, some lines had doubled up and were being heard again, vehicles from the first movie reappearing, hell at one point you get to see a very ramshackle Visitor’s Center accompanied with a very sad, and mournful soundtrack from the first Jurassic Park.
     I know that there was one thing scoffed at in the movie, that was kind of a double edged sword. Many people were not impressed with the whole ‘Hybrid Dinosaur’ idea that was seen in the initial previews. That now, InGen was making mutated dinosaurs. To me, that seemed like a bit of a genetic horror movie involving zombies, living dead, or something along those lines. This movie definitely involves the Genetic horror of things and the fact man is trying to play God to make a few bucks. That of course the reason for toying with nature is to make more money and bring in more attendance. I won’t go into the exact details of things, but really the monster of this movie does play out like a Frankenstein, or a creature that was created and out of control to begin with ‘seeing the world for the first time’ sort of scenario. The other half of this whole thing is how the climax of the movie turned out. The ending I think could have been a bit better when pertaining to a very key player. Let put it this way, to keep the spoilers out of it. They were catering to a dead man the entire movie. Again, to those who’ve read the novels will understand exactly what I am meaning by that statement. While I can see that they were interested in doing another movie, I am hoping that the path they are trying to take will not stray from the original verse created by Michael Crichton. His concept and novel both were revolutionary and opened many doors especially when it comes to genetics, and genetic engineering. I hope that the franchise doesn’t turn into a Survival Horror type series like ‘Resident Evil’ (AKA Biohazard), with an evil company running rapid in the shadows creating freaks of nature for military projects etc.
     The other thing I know that was scoffed at was Chris Pratt’s ‘Raptor Pack’ that you see in the previews with him training them and basically controlling them. At first, I’ll even admit that I winced and wondered what exactly they were going to do with this and where were they going to take it? As the movie progresses and the story keeps trudging forward all things are revealed including the intended use for these Raptor’s. While some scoff, the idea is really not too far off. Any kind of animal when raised from a young age that doesn’t know better you can train them and ALMOST domesticate them. Some examples of this would be wolves, bears, raccoons, etc. I say almost domesticate because animals have that instinct in them regardless of the scenario or situation. I really dug the idea and even thought it was well played and the imagination was there! The CGI affects I think were great, the overall visuals for the movie were very stunning. I am glad that we didn’t wait and see it in 2D like the missus and I had intended on doing. One thing that I’d always wished you’d see more of in the JP movies was dinosaurs. This movie certainly was not disappointing with dinosaurs. There was a vast amount of species seen in the movie. While I watched this movie something popped into my mind that I kind of wondered if they weren’t trying to make maybe an alternate universe type movie.
     You know, that this is the story that would have happened if all of the original scientists from ‘Jurassic Park’ had signed off on it. What if the dinosaurs hadn’t burst out of their cages, or eaten people? What if this is the aftermath of a successful park for almost twenty years and this incident happened? It could have very strongly been that case if the old visitor center, and old vehicles from the first park had never been seen. There is really no reference to Isla Sonra, BioSyn, etc. I am glad that they decided to make another Jurassic Park instead of rebooting it or remaking it. While the story for Jurassic World was great, I think the story with the two kids could have been left out or maybe the kids could have played less of a role in it. Obviously, the park employees preoccupied the story more than the kids but it was with good reason. Overall, I think that this movie was great. I would recommend it to anyone who is a Jurassic Park fan either having seen the movies that’ve spanned over twenty something years, or the book that was released sooner than that. It was very fascinating that they released this movie on the anniversary date of the first movies release. I think for me that it just adds to the nostalgia of it.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Through the seasons

     The other day, on my Facebook I had asked a question that I thought would make a great blog topic. I had asked the other day, I had asked “What ways do you like to make memories during the various seasons?” A little further explanation into that is do you find yourself interacting more with your family and friends during the summer? Or do you find more interaction with family and friends around the holidays? For me really, it’s kind of a split. I really don’t take any particular part of the year to spend more time with the family than the other. To me, I think quality time with family and friends all year round is a great thing. For the summer months, I think it’s great because really it’s a little less confining and you don’t have to spend it in doors. I’ve got a lot more memories of the family during the summer now than I did before.
     It’s funny that growing up as a kid all of those BBQ’s, and camping trips, and boating, and other various activities spent with the family were kind of a drag. I don’t think that many of us out there would argue that fact that as kids we often waited for the summer to roll around so we could sleep in, spend all of it with our friends, and essentially do whatever we wanted without the authority of a teacher being around us. With this in mind I created a bunch of memories with my friends growing up during the summer months. Again, the more clear ones are those spent during our years in transition between Junior High and High School. One of my fondest memories was that of co-authoring a book with a friend of mine during the summer months. I had come up with an idea for a book and I sent him the concept and some of the real skeletal structures of the story. He thought it was a great concept and we took turns authoring short stories back and forth to each other during the summer transitioning from Junior High to High School.
     So that there is an only one example of how I have made some later memories in the summer months. With family it was a little bit different. Growing older, I’ve learned that really, you can’t have enough time with family and friends alike. Jobs, kids, and other responsibilities tend to get in the way. The moments that we can spend time together, especially in the summer months should be the most important. Some of the most recent and fondest memories I have with friends and family is that of small fire in a fire pit. Gathered round it in lawn chairs, benches, custom made chairs that if you sat wrong would completely fall apart underneath you. Watching the flames dance in the night, embers burning brightly at the base of the copper pan. Sometimes, the conversation seems to fall to one side or the other, and sometimes there is no conversation at all. It doesn’t always take the constant chatter of people to enjoy one another’s company. Sometimes I think, it’s just being together and being around each other that count.
     The fire helps set the mood, and the setting for the night but what else? What about a purple sky with stars beginning to poke through the fabric of blue that was once day? Often times we have a radio setup outside. The sound of classic sounds from yester-year drifting out slowly from the speakers as again the family and friends sit in silence. Sometimes it might be the beach boys, sometimes; it’s the Doobie Brothers, Sometimes its Billy Joel and his piano. It is always a very relaxing setting after a great BBQ and a day full of work. Story swapping that, no matter how many times before you may have heard it; the story is just as amusing as it was the first time that you heard it. It’s never long enough it seems as the hours and the time seem to slip away. Escaping with those around you for a good couple of hours before reality comes back and reminds everyone that those duties we tend to every day will be back again tomorrow. I always get a little bit depressed and sad when these kinds of things have to come to an end, but I always look forward to the next night we get to spend together. Whether it’s in a yard or out camping under the stars and admiring those summer nights and memories being made are always unbeatable.
     The winter, well the winter can be just as good as the summer. Granted, the conditions are a little blustier, a little colder, and you aren’t able to do as much. But, in the same instance it’s almost the exact same thing. All you’ve done is taken your fire pit that you have outside and have moved it inside (if you are lucky enough to have an indoor fireplace). Great meals still can be enjoyed with family, choice beverages of the season can be shared, and then of course you have the music to add to the event. I have found though that in the winter months and having house guests something a little easier listening is something I keep nearby. In the summer months it’s wonderful to listen to the oldies music outside enjoying the summer nights as it’s cooling off around you. But with house guests and a little more confined space it’s nice to put a little easier listening music on in the background so you aren’t having to scream out over the Big bopper or other classic singers of yester-year in conversation. The weather outside is also what makes the events. We’ve hosted a few parties with the snow falling outside and it just adds to the atmosphere of whatever is going on around you. The winter is a great time to get together with family and friends as with the holidays and the meaning of the holidays. But, do people feel obligated to spend time with their families as those holidays approach? I’d hope not. My holiday season is a bit more complex and a little bit different as my brother passed a few days before Christmas. The family though I think on both sides has always gone out of our way to spend time with each other more-so during the holiday season but we try to get together more as well with the summer months.
    The stress of the holidays to may put people a little more anxious and stressed than great summer night.
So, I guess after blogging this, it seems that I favor having summer get togethers than I do winter. Maybe it’s because you don’t feel as guilty or like you are committed during the summer because there aren't any major holidays that surround it. The most important thing though is spending time with one another. It seems that these years are going by faster and faster. That with the way the world works right now is that everyone is having to work more, and spend less time with family and friends. Don’t let this overtake you and keep you from your family. They are just as important and just as needed. Spend as much time with them as you possibly can. Because I have found out through the hard way tomorrow is never guaranteed. Please don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter. You can find me on Facebook by typing into the search bar, “Author Grayson Michaels”, or you can find me on Twitter at @GraysonMichaels. Don’t forget to leave a comment on which time of season you enjoy more to spend together with family and friends! Have a good day.

Friday, January 2, 2015

One In The Same

    Last night, I came to a conclusion about something that I’d only thought just a few times before and dismissed it. This morning, it woke me up out of a dead sleep and I found I couldn't do anything until I got this out onto blog. I have created a lot of characters since I started writing. Characters come, characters go. But, there is one that has been with me for a long time. Very prevalent, and honestly didn't understand why he was. Why despite storylines and settings he always came back like a lion and out like a lamb. I have always enjoyed letting him tell his stories to me for well over ten years...unfortunate he has aged but his stories are solid. I look forward to telling his stories as long as he wants me to. This character has appeared in ‘OceanView’ time and time again. It’s hard to not see him on a steady basis in that book and often times he really takes the spotlight in a lot of the books dealing with first responders. Even dealing with Law Enforcement you are inclined to see him make an appearance, if nothing more than a cameo or mentioned by one of the officers. For those who have read the book, or know anything about my past there is one character that I feel particularly connected to. Whether, it’s because I created him so long ago (Around 1998 or 1999) or it’s because he has such an elaborate history in the running with my short stories he seems to come on strong at times, and then remain relatively quiet at others.
     I find that this character tends to emerge when I’m dealing with conflict in my life. As if he’s coming to my aid rather than me coming to his. For those who don’t know who I’m talking about, I am talking about my character Tal. He’s had a VERY elaborate history with not only some of the things he’s been attributed to in OceanView, but there is a world away from here where Tal has made a pretty elaborate stamp with not only his presence, but also the course of Law Enforcement within this fictional community. I’ve always kind of seen Tal as a white knight, amongst the sheep. He is a natural born leader, which will take his own path and follow intuition not assumptions. Facts, not fiction, and will base his opinion based on those things listed above. Lately, he’s been knocking at the door again as there is a lot of conflict within my life. A strong leader, and has good moral character. To those who know the character, they know how he is and what kind of person he stands for. Tal existed long before publishing, and has a VERY thorough history that hasn’t even been shared, but exists within the notebooks, shoe boxes, and vast e-mails that I’ve sent out over the course of the last fifteen years…Wow, that feels so strange to type that. How much of a light, and guidance that this particular character has been to me. But why? Why is Tal so important to me that I look up to a fictional character that doesn't exist? Maybe it’s because what Tal himself stands for. The basis of why I created him.
     His moral compass, along with the things he has seen in his life and how he has managed to stay on the straight and narrow even in situations that made him the bad guy, or turned whom he thought were friends against him. I’m not meaning to put him on a pedestal by any means, and again those who know the character or experienced him in OceanView, know that this man definitely has flaws, regrets, and scars both emotional and physical. But in the same instance we share some common bonds of things he’d dealt with in his life that I myself, have dealt with long and hard. We've both learned that hard work, and perseverance towards goals in life are the right road to travel. Regardless of what other’s tell you or suggest. Sometimes, being the lone wolf in a sea full of followers and sheep is the best course of action. Never lose sight of what your true intentions are because of other’s opinions of you or your thoughts on progression. Move forward; keep moving forward with that bright light in the distance. You are the only one who can move you closer to your goal. Choosing not to act is the only way you will fail not only yourself, but potentially those around you. The final and hardest thing we've both failed together is rejection. Whether it’s been from co-workers, friends, or family rejection is been one of the hardest blows to us. Regrets and skeletons in our closet of decisions that we both think. “You know maybe if we just caved and gave them what they wanted maybe we would have been happier about things”. Then we shake our heads no, and look at the outcomes of the decisions of making our own minds up and following our own course. A good majority of these decisions have ended in a positive light and it reminds us.
     It reminds us that it’s important to follow your own path and make your own decisions. It was once said that you are the only person you will have to live with your entire life so make the best of it. I surely think that Tal and I both agree with each other when it comes to this. Law Enforcement seemed to be such a natural calling to him as a character and has been pretty much in every role working his way up the chain to where he is today, as an active US Marshal. I don’t normally talk so much about characters in particular. As I had said above there have been many characters I've seen come, and I've seen go. All of my characters have made a lasting impression on me. Some of the characters good, some of the characters bad. But I felt compelled to write a little bit about Tal this morning after dealing with almost a year’s worth the conflict and how it’s odd how a character can give you a support system. I've thought about retiring him from the pages of my books to let him finally be, and he’s provided some hints I think that he’d like it as well. For several, several years now I've debated on whether or not to write his memoirs. It is always something that I’d considered doing because of the fact he HAS such an extensive history that only myself and him know. He feels obligated to share it with the rest of the world and to let other people in on his trials as not only what he faced as a cop, but also for his personal life.
     In Oceanview, we delved into it a little bit dealing with after his ex-wife left and some of the issues that arose there. But he’d like to tell everyone what he’s seen and experienced in his life and his fifteen years of law enforcement. Starting from a beat cop, all the way to where he’s at now. I’d like to think Tal is a respectable character I've never had any kind of complaints about him from those who have read OceanView, or had experiences with him. He’s very proud of what he does for a job and how he affects people. Has anyone out there ever had a character that influenced them in some way that no matter what has happened to them you just don’t have the heart to say a final goodbye to them? Several characters I've written about have gotten quiet enough that I’m not even sure they’d mind about never being heard from again. Other characters lie in wait, and are awaiting the perfect time to spring back up in order for their stories to be told. I hope that you've enjoyed this little insight into Tal and who exactly he is. If you have a character that you can relate to just like Tal, leave a comment below and tell us the reason why you feel so strongly connected to them!