Friday, January 2, 2015

One In The Same

    Last night, I came to a conclusion about something that I’d only thought just a few times before and dismissed it. This morning, it woke me up out of a dead sleep and I found I couldn't do anything until I got this out onto blog. I have created a lot of characters since I started writing. Characters come, characters go. But, there is one that has been with me for a long time. Very prevalent, and honestly didn't understand why he was. Why despite storylines and settings he always came back like a lion and out like a lamb. I have always enjoyed letting him tell his stories to me for well over ten years...unfortunate he has aged but his stories are solid. I look forward to telling his stories as long as he wants me to. This character has appeared in ‘OceanView’ time and time again. It’s hard to not see him on a steady basis in that book and often times he really takes the spotlight in a lot of the books dealing with first responders. Even dealing with Law Enforcement you are inclined to see him make an appearance, if nothing more than a cameo or mentioned by one of the officers. For those who have read the book, or know anything about my past there is one character that I feel particularly connected to. Whether, it’s because I created him so long ago (Around 1998 or 1999) or it’s because he has such an elaborate history in the running with my short stories he seems to come on strong at times, and then remain relatively quiet at others.
     I find that this character tends to emerge when I’m dealing with conflict in my life. As if he’s coming to my aid rather than me coming to his. For those who don’t know who I’m talking about, I am talking about my character Tal. He’s had a VERY elaborate history with not only some of the things he’s been attributed to in OceanView, but there is a world away from here where Tal has made a pretty elaborate stamp with not only his presence, but also the course of Law Enforcement within this fictional community. I’ve always kind of seen Tal as a white knight, amongst the sheep. He is a natural born leader, which will take his own path and follow intuition not assumptions. Facts, not fiction, and will base his opinion based on those things listed above. Lately, he’s been knocking at the door again as there is a lot of conflict within my life. A strong leader, and has good moral character. To those who know the character, they know how he is and what kind of person he stands for. Tal existed long before publishing, and has a VERY thorough history that hasn’t even been shared, but exists within the notebooks, shoe boxes, and vast e-mails that I’ve sent out over the course of the last fifteen years…Wow, that feels so strange to type that. How much of a light, and guidance that this particular character has been to me. But why? Why is Tal so important to me that I look up to a fictional character that doesn't exist? Maybe it’s because what Tal himself stands for. The basis of why I created him.
     His moral compass, along with the things he has seen in his life and how he has managed to stay on the straight and narrow even in situations that made him the bad guy, or turned whom he thought were friends against him. I’m not meaning to put him on a pedestal by any means, and again those who know the character or experienced him in OceanView, know that this man definitely has flaws, regrets, and scars both emotional and physical. But in the same instance we share some common bonds of things he’d dealt with in his life that I myself, have dealt with long and hard. We've both learned that hard work, and perseverance towards goals in life are the right road to travel. Regardless of what other’s tell you or suggest. Sometimes, being the lone wolf in a sea full of followers and sheep is the best course of action. Never lose sight of what your true intentions are because of other’s opinions of you or your thoughts on progression. Move forward; keep moving forward with that bright light in the distance. You are the only one who can move you closer to your goal. Choosing not to act is the only way you will fail not only yourself, but potentially those around you. The final and hardest thing we've both failed together is rejection. Whether it’s been from co-workers, friends, or family rejection is been one of the hardest blows to us. Regrets and skeletons in our closet of decisions that we both think. “You know maybe if we just caved and gave them what they wanted maybe we would have been happier about things”. Then we shake our heads no, and look at the outcomes of the decisions of making our own minds up and following our own course. A good majority of these decisions have ended in a positive light and it reminds us.
     It reminds us that it’s important to follow your own path and make your own decisions. It was once said that you are the only person you will have to live with your entire life so make the best of it. I surely think that Tal and I both agree with each other when it comes to this. Law Enforcement seemed to be such a natural calling to him as a character and has been pretty much in every role working his way up the chain to where he is today, as an active US Marshal. I don’t normally talk so much about characters in particular. As I had said above there have been many characters I've seen come, and I've seen go. All of my characters have made a lasting impression on me. Some of the characters good, some of the characters bad. But I felt compelled to write a little bit about Tal this morning after dealing with almost a year’s worth the conflict and how it’s odd how a character can give you a support system. I've thought about retiring him from the pages of my books to let him finally be, and he’s provided some hints I think that he’d like it as well. For several, several years now I've debated on whether or not to write his memoirs. It is always something that I’d considered doing because of the fact he HAS such an extensive history that only myself and him know. He feels obligated to share it with the rest of the world and to let other people in on his trials as not only what he faced as a cop, but also for his personal life.
     In Oceanview, we delved into it a little bit dealing with after his ex-wife left and some of the issues that arose there. But he’d like to tell everyone what he’s seen and experienced in his life and his fifteen years of law enforcement. Starting from a beat cop, all the way to where he’s at now. I’d like to think Tal is a respectable character I've never had any kind of complaints about him from those who have read OceanView, or had experiences with him. He’s very proud of what he does for a job and how he affects people. Has anyone out there ever had a character that influenced them in some way that no matter what has happened to them you just don’t have the heart to say a final goodbye to them? Several characters I've written about have gotten quiet enough that I’m not even sure they’d mind about never being heard from again. Other characters lie in wait, and are awaiting the perfect time to spring back up in order for their stories to be told. I hope that you've enjoyed this little insight into Tal and who exactly he is. If you have a character that you can relate to just like Tal, leave a comment below and tell us the reason why you feel so strongly connected to them!

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