Sunday, June 30, 2013

Goals On The Ocean Of Imagination

     I have always valued myself as a writer. Whether it be in short stories, novels, opinions, or critiques it’s always came easy for me to be able to write something on a given subject. I have been writing for a very long time. I have been writing since I was about twelve years old, went all the way through Junior High School (Middle School for some) and into High School. I’d won an award my Senior year of High School for a writing contest that I entered into, taking home third place and a cash prize. Believe it or not, I have the check in a frame still on the wall. To me, writing has never been about the money. Nor, the popularity? To me, writing has always been about being able to produce a good story that keeps people interested in with what’s going on with characters. I take critiques and enjoy hearing what others have to say about ideas. I try to keep all of my ideas somewhat within the realms of reality. An idea, that “Yeah this could happen but it hasn’t yet”. Always been about entertaining those around me with what I write. OceanView has been very popular amongst the people that I used to send it out to. OceanView, started as a story concept back in 2006. Over the course of about seven years it has grown and adapted into a collection of short stories. This will also be my first published book on the market. To me, publishing this book has been a dream come true. It’s something that I have always wanted to do, and something I have enjoyed as a hobby. Though as a writer it seems that it’s slipped away from a hobby and keeps me constantly thinking of ideas and characters.
     I had always been intimidated by the prospect of being published. Having seen some of the agents on Twitter, and how they talk about potential writers, and in a way make fun of them because of the way they submit something. To me, I think it’s those writers that keep those agents in business. We are the ones that allow them to keep their jobs! Could you imagine that if EVERY writer in the world decided to self-publish (like me) how quickly they would be looking to sign anyone that was willing to turn in a manuscript. So, again going back to the original topic it was so very intimidating to me to see these kinds of things posted. The amount of rejections that people have gotten saying their work was no good, or crap. But like anything in life, you can’t accept failure you have to prosper and keep on over the top of the negativity. Self publishing OceanView has been a very scary and exciting step for me all in the same process. It’s been exciting for me, because it’s allowed for me to branch out and meet some of my fellow writers out there. Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook have become outlets for people to get together and exchange ideas, or promote their books. The road hasn’t been easy with having to go back and do the edits, along with having to buy a state business license (For the state that I live in), along with all of the other fun investigable things that I have had to do. But it is so very well worth it in the end. I have several other local Authors here that we’ve been talking and have been attempting to get together for a panel for our books. The stress level of trying to keep things on a deadline, and keeping everything within time constraints has been hard.
     While I want to push through these edits, and get it released to Smashwords, and start getting my books on the print and sent to me, I want to deliver a good product. Yes, I am a writer but at times my English can be a bit off. I have been trying very hard to take things easy, and take them slow. Once OceanView is released, I would rather you concentrate on the story and everything going on in it, rather than the amount of spelling errors, grammatical errors, or things that just don’t make sense because I overlooked it while I was doing my proofing. I want everyone to be happy with my first finished product. I currently have another book that is sitting with it’s copyright papers ready to be sent off to another Beta editor. However, I am going to take some time between the release of that book and OceanView, just to unwind from this huge undertaking of Self-publishing. Now, I’m not trying to convince anyone that going through an actual publisher is a bad idea, but to at least Self-Publish yourself it might work out in advantage. Some writers have been contacted about their books from publishing houses. Below, I am going to be posting a link to a video that Anne Rice posted about publishing books. Her advice, and words on how the best way to pursue things. I am so grateful for everything that has happened with me, my book, and my lovely wife as we are on the verge of this exciting point in my life. You may feel as if it is a burden, and get disheartened as you start through the processes of self-publishing but please, don’t give up! If this is truly what you want, and want to make it happen look that diversity in the face and tromp over the top of it.

Anne’s video:

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